cultivate a devoted yoga practice
Hi! I'm Jayme.
My goal is to help you cultivate a daily personal practice that fosters healing and flourishing in your life. I developed these courses by applying the wisdom of yoga, Ayurveda, functional performance training, and human optimization science to connect you to YOUR own unique flow. If you're tired of random yoga classes and want to become established in a personal practice, these learning pathways for you.
home yoga courses from $11 - $699
Take advantage of this offer with 40-60% off all practice programs. Programs range greatly in scope, email me at [email protected] with any questions.

establish a practice challenge
Want to establish a steady practice through life’s ups and downs? This introduction to the yoga tradition as a path to freedom is for you.
Through four phases of simple and accessible guided practices in breathwork and meditation, you will connect with them in a way that will help integrate a regular yoga practice into your daily life.
Includes access to a library of audio practices to support your ongoing journey, a community app for all your questions, additional support lessons to expand your understanding, and direct messaging with Jayme.

therapeutic yoga foundations
An introduction to therapeutic yoga with tools to apply these principles in life, on and off your yoga mat. This course lays the foundation for your personal practice and our future work together.
Ten modules of practices and lectures introduce foundational concepts of yoga like: developing stable & mobile joints, the 8 limbs, bandha, alignment, kriya techniques, five elemental bodies, and the importance of the senses in embodied action.
Lifetime access ensures you can continually revisit these bedrocks of personal transformation.

sanctuary home retreat
This is an immersive practice that will help you experience a new baseline of ease for your nervous system. An at-home retreat experience guided by the principles of Ayurveda. Choose to dive in for ten consecutive days, or over time as your schedule allows.
Create a new daily rhythm or establish a time of focused practice to help you let go of habits that don't serve, and implement new ones that do.
This home retreat container can be revisited again and again to help you reconnect with a doable discipline that supports your progress and that serves your deepest heart's desire.

yoga + creativity
A day-at-home retreat. Practice self-care while reconnecting to your creative spirit. We will explore the foundations of chanting practice and chanting during posture practice as a way of connecting with support and inspiration from a higher source.
This retreat container creates the space for integrating change in your life with grace, and reconnecting with a lifestyle pace that supports your better nature.

stable comfortable posture
40 days of hour-long daily practices to increase your mobility, find a sense of inner stability and strength, and establish a mediation practice. Gain embodied awareness and a yoga practice toolkit that can help you get out of pain and experience a sense of relaxed ease in your body.
Email reminders and daily practices for 40 days guide you through becoming established in a stable comfortable posture, which requires developing a balance of both strength and mobility in the way you move.
This is great for meditators that find themselves in pain or anyone looking to develop a consistent and devoted yoga discipline.

live in flow
This progressive five-phase program (50+ unique practices) helps you embody a sense of flow in your daily yoga practice and experience a deep connection to the five elements of nature. An adaptable and life-long program plan to help learn how to get out of pain and feel freer in your body.
We will explore key concepts of yoga and locomotion with a developmental step-by-step approach that will have you moving in ways you never thought possible.
Lifetime access allows you to choose the daily practice that is right for you.
Payment plans available.

movement school: empower your teaching practice
(30 hour CEU)
Calling all yoga therapists, teachers, wellness practitioners and coaches of all modalities. Level up your practice by learning to integrate nature's wisdom into your classes or private sessions, using the elements as inspiration for creating effective and holistic experiences.
Delve into a comprehensive curriculum that combines the principles of Hatha Yoga, developmental movement theory, and functional training techniques.
Help your clients practice embodying deep presence through a well-rounded understanding of the body-mind connection.
Enhance your skills and precision in guiding functional movements, subtle yoga practices, transformative breath work, and mindfulness while gaining continuing education credits.

yoga therapy library + community
Lifetime access to a vast and ever-growing collection of therapeutic yoga practices and workshops, tailored to address various needs and conditions, right from the comfort of your own home. Engage with a supportive community, sharing insights and experiences, while deepening your practice and cultivating sense of inner stability and wholeness.
One payment for lifetime access.
"It is rare to meet one as devoted to wholeness as Jayme. Her Practice, be it yoga, meditation, chant, prayer or embodiment roots into the core of life itself.
When you say 'Yes' to that invitation the restoration of your own core strength starts exactly where you are. Whether it is balancing elements in your life or learning to roll with the ease of an infant (not as easy as it sounds) there is healing."
Christine, Educator
letting go is a skill
What would life be like if you could move with a sense of ease. We all know that it is beneficial to relax and and reduce our stress levels, but until we know how to actually do this physically, this is just another confusing abstract idea.
Finding the right course for you will help you to recognize and soften long-held tension patterns in the body through a combination of guided soft tissue release, breathing techniques, somatic practices, and mindful movement.
Together we can develop your capacity for sensitive inner listening to build your trust in the strength and wisdom of your own body and the healing process.
Informed by the spiral nature of the universe, your practice is established in technique, because the aim is freedom.

not sure where to begin?
Join my Establish a Practice Challenge course to get a feel for my teaching style, plus lifetime access to my yoga community. I created this program to help you establish a regular breath work and meditation practice that is anchored in the unbroken lineage of the yoga tradition.
begin now for $11balance effort with ease & enjoy the flow
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