A home retreat to learn and integrate Ayurvedic self-care habits and lifestyle rhythms that foster inner peace and clarity.
This at-home retreat program is for you if you...
- Are looking for an easeful & practical way to maintain a daily routine
- Want to organize and prioritize your days for more joy and connection
- Want gentle ways to heal your digestive system and cultivate a healthy gut microbe
- Need guidance taking your home self-care practices from distracted, chaotic, or nonexistent into a consistent & soulful sanctuary
- Want a game plan letting go of habits that don’t serve you
- Curious to experiment with more intentional lifestyle rhythms
- Want to spend time reconnecting to your highest values and most heartfelt desires for your life.
- Crave a meaningful and sacred time for personal tradition and ritual
- Are interested in utilizing the wisdom of Ayurveda (nature) to envision and plan your 2023 personally and professionally as relevant to you
Group practice & New Year Vision Planning program
January 31 - February 9, 2025
Open to all Sanctuary participants, this yearly 10-day live program will enhance your Sanctuary Home Retreat experience and help you implement or recommit to an Ayurvedic rhythm in the new year.
Balance fulfilling your purpose and taking really good care.
This program is all about putting the healing power of yoga and Ayurveda into action in your life. You'll create a daily routine that fosters healing while increasing your creative energy and mental clarity. With the 5 elements of nature to guide you, you'll design a rhythm and routine perfectly designed for you and your life. Once you're settled into your new routine we will focus on vision planning for 2023, applying the wisdom of Ayurvedic lifestyle rhythms to achieving personal and professional goals.
Retreat Journey
Make space for your most creative connected self...
Ayurveda begins with the idea that digestion is a reflection of the way we live our lives. Poor digestion leads to mental fogginess, blocked creativity, low motivation, and dissatisfaction.
For that reason, Sanctuary begins with a cleanse meant to restore your digestive function. From there, you'll be empowered to create a daily routine full of nourishing, life-giving practices you can use every day to show up as your best, most creative, most connected self.
This initial cleanse is a fantastic way to support your immune system, move inward for a time of focused healing or at the beginning of a creative project, and create a more aligned lifestyle for your next season of life, whatever that looks like.
Through the cleanse, daily practices, teachings, and community support, you'll learn to finally make space in your life for a self-care routine that increases your vitality and gives you back your time and attention.
What's included:
- The roadmap to creating a daily routine - build a relationship with Ayurvedic practice through experience so that you understand how and when to apply them in your daily life.
- Six-Taste Recipes - simple and easy-to-digest recipes are provided so that you and your digestion can have time to rest and heal.
- Daily practices - 10 audio and video practices to guide you through movement, breathwork, deep rest, and meditation.
- Daily readings - Gain confidence in your practice through studying the why and how behind yoga & Ayurveda.
- Group calls - Three group calls each month to connect with Jayme and other retreat participants in Sacred Circle to get guidance through obstacles or challenges that arise.
- Home Retreat Reference guide - a 40 page downloadable guide that includes everything you need.
- Two 10 day online group practices: December 9-19, 2022 & January 20-30,2023.
Home Retreat Flow
Phase 1 | Preparation
Learn the foundations, gather what you need, and create space in your life.
Phase 2 | Establish a Rhythm
Implement daily routines as you deepen your relationship with the elements of nature. Guidance for mono-diet kitchari cleanse.
Phase 3 | Integrate & Experiment
Take what supported you and create an action plan for both personal practice & professional goals in 2023.
Daily Therapeutic Yoga & Ayurveda Practice Rhythm
Learn how lifestyle, breath, & movement relate to mood, habits, and mental health. Daily guided practices sessions to support the systematic development of a daily yoga & meditation practice to support stability and longevity.
I'm ready to retreat!
What retreaters are saying...
"After the retreat I’m more mindful of what I'm consuming (food and otherwise). I’m aware of my posture in a new way throughout the day and I’m more willing to give myself deep rest (not just distraction disguised as rest) because I have a reference point for how amazing being rested feels!”
"This program was incredibly amazing in EVERY possible way- educational content, crazy supportive and sweet staff, loads of practical activities and practices, authentic community, dietary cleanse support, etc., and has sensitized me to my NEED and love for daily morning grounding/stabilizing routines and reflection as well as to slow down to sense and maintain peacefulness internally as I go about life."
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is an ancient science of life and longevity that combines diet, movement, and meditative practices into a holistic and beautiful view of health and thriving. In practice, it is about supporting you to live in a way that balances your individual nature and supports a clear and calm mind.
Cultivate your creative potential and connection to yourself with...
- A personalized prescription for...
- Functional Movement Flows
- Myofascial Release
- Breath Work
- Gentle Gut Cleanse
- Deep Rest
- Ayurvedic Self-Care Rhythms
- Meditation Progression
- You will learn to:
- improve your mood habits and mental health by establishing transformational breath and movement practices
- identify the mental stories that is keeping you from allowing and expressing joy in your life
- create a home practice you'll actually stick with
- turn your home into a sacred and healing environment
- develop a deeper understanding of your own body, mind, and emotions
- learn to process resistance shift attitude, find greater connection and clarity
- heal digestive issues with a simple Ayurvedic gut cleanse.
The 5 Elements of Retreat
Learn the essential teachings of Ayurveda as you create a holistic and easeful routine that you can integrate into your life right away.
Through the 5 elements of retreat, you'll discover...
- how self-care rhythms impact mental and emotional health
- a deeper sense of inner safety and self-trust
- increased mental clarity and productivity
- heightened intuitive knowledge and spontaneity
- ways to get unstuck so you can feel free to express yourself
- how to modify & customize your self-care routine for your nature and the season
- relationships that support your continued healing and growth
A group practices January 31 - February 9, 2025
What is included in the Sanctuary Home Retreat?
What is the time commitment?
What is Ayurveda?
What is the benefit of Sanctuary Home Retreat?
What retreaters are saying...
"This program was needed infusion of contemplation, movement and gut health into my life. It gave me direction and peace during an incredibly complex time in my life. Jayme does a fantastic job integrating practices that support the body, mind, and connection to spirit."
“It was such a kind and gentle approach. I recommend this retreat to anyone who feels they are in a rut and need support to break out of it. That was me. I learned from the retreat that change is possible when I gently apply new knowledge and practices in my life.”
Your at home retreat program includes monthly options for live online 10-day program with calls and check ins with your cohort.
This program is designed to work with your commitment level and integrate into your daily life and work schedule.
A learning pathway to meet your needs! Take the program solo or with a group. Take it once or all three times to deepen your learning with time.

About Jayme
I’m Jayme, I’m a yoga therapist, lifestyle guide, and stress management educator based out of Springfield, Missouri.
As former professional basketball player, I discovered the power of yoga and meditation when struggling to overcome performance blocks on the court. What I learned helped take my team from lowest-ranked in the conference to conference champions. Since then, I’ve been on a path to learn and teach this profound practice.
I take a practical and intuitive approach to integrate sacred wisdom into my daily life and have created hybrid format programs that help those who work with me do the same. I believe we are experiencing a crisis of the Spirit in our world today and that developing inner resources and a supportive community (sangha) is vital for our collective healing and thriving.
It is with this in mind that I created progressive programs that are like pathways of self-discovery aimed at facilitating a process of transformation. If you're ready for full self-responsibility and deep change. I'd love to be your guide.