Don't know what you want?

insight practice Nov 10, 2021

How you can know what you truly want vs your self-defeating tendencies from the past? It's so tricky and hard to know!  This is why I'm so excited to share a practice that for me cut right to the heart of why we practice by asking me... What is it you actually want?

This practice is great to do as a way to connect with your deepest soul-level desire. Finding from the inside your own vision for what is possible for your life and the collective. Your connection to your own heart will deepen with this practice over time, stay with it for a bit.

Start this weekend and try to practice for 30 days to experience a deeper connection to your imagination, access to creative solutions, and a deeper sense of inner knowing. 

Tune in with this practice as a midday rest or as your transition from work life to home life. Write a few words in your journal about your experience each time you practice. You can download it here for regular use or save my SoundCloud playlist.

ENJOY moving towards what your heart desires! 


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