a stable comfortable posture

insight practice Sep 08, 2022

In the main yoga text I learned from there are only two teachings about posture practice. 

The first teaching on posture says we should find a steady comfortable posture that is easeful. A way of holding ourselves with exactly the right amount of effort. My experience in embodying this particular type of action in daily practice is that it has helped me to cultivate a sense of inner stability that goes beyond external circumstances. 

When someone is hoping to utilize practices like breathwork and meditation to cope with anxiety and support healing and recovery it is best to take things in a step-by-step way. You could even say this methodology for programming is like yoga's built-in trauma-informed approach.

Each of my online programs takes this step-by-step approach (krama) so that you can embody and integrate at a pace that is right for you. If your yoga practice hasn't stuck before it could be because hopping in on random classes skips a lot of steps in the learning process. Many of my clients find that their minds rest easy knowing that we are starting this process at the beginning with a curriculum of learning that adjusts to meet their needs and goals. 

If you'd like to have even more guidance in finding the right breathwork and meditation practice for you join the four-phase Establish a Practice 'Challenge' to help you commit to consistent practice.

In our challenge community call this week I shared ways to use different props to find the right posture for your meditation practice. In the Q&A session, I get into some of the ways these practices support us to work through our 'triggers' from the past in our day-to-day life. 

Enjoy listening in to this meditation seat tutorial, guided practice, grounding prayer, and Q&A session. We meet each Wednesday at noon CST as a part of the Establish a Practice: Breathwork & Meditation Challenge. 



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